I know for a lot of us, this might be hard to pull off. There are kids to get to school and we have work, but if you can arrange it, you will be surprised at the savings. You won’t spend money on gas for your car, you won’t be tempted to stop in at the store etc. My son has school everyday, but by talking to some of his classmates parents I found someone willing and close enough to carpool. She drops them off and picks them up on Mondays and Wednesdays, I do Tuesdays and Thursdays and we don’t carpool on Fridays. I have designated Thursdays as my stay at home days. It actually has had other surprising benefits. I have been finishing up projects that have been waiting around for far too long and I also use the day to plan and prepare meals for the week.


Mom, money saver, crafter, budget loving blogger

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