Blogging 101I am a self taught website owner and blogger. When I started there was a lot of frustration because of the lack of information on what was needed and how to do it. I felt like I was always begging people to share information and then they would only share pieces and I had to try and fit it together.

I am sure there are other ways to set up a blog, but if you are looking for something simple and quick at a low cost this is the best option I have found.

I want to share the purpose and needs of my blogs so that you know why I have set them up this way, and so you can decide if it fits in with what you want to create as well.

I love to craft and share DIY’s and recipes so the blog needed to be able to handle lots of pictures, and make it look clean.

I needed a blog with an easy to navigate menu because I share things from numerous categories of my life.

I wanted one that would be easy to integrate with social media, especially pinterest.

After content, the purpose of this blog is also for income. I have been working as a freelance writer for 8+ years. I mostly write web content. After watching the website owners I worked for become incredibly successful off of my content, I decided it was time to stop working for other people. Some websites try to hide the fact that they make money from their blog. I am not sure why it is taboo to share. I am providing people with information. It takes time and work to do this. If I can be compensated for it, then there is motivation to continue. Big websites backed by big companies use similar tactics to bring in revenue from the websites they provide. For example, is run by a magazine. Scroll down their website and you will see a couple ads provided for other companies like CuisineArt.  I wanted a blog that would work seamlessly with income revenue possibilities but not be cluttered and hard to navigate for my visitors. Even though I want to make money, I still want my readers to enjoy the experience of visiting my site. After all, it is my visitors that drive the income.

I also wanted one that would allow me to sell a few items of my own (ebooks or patterns or similar items)


So those were my requirements for this blog.

What you should do to start:

I strongly suggest that you take a few moments and write down the goals and needs for your own blog or website.


What is your websites purpose?

What is your goal is starting it?

Who do you want to reach?

What functions does your website/blog need to have?

Once you have these things figured out, read the next post on hosting.

I’ve tried my best to make these tutorials easy to follow, but sometimes it’s nice to have someone who can walk you through the specifics of your website set up. I have been helping friends and family do this for awhile and feel like it is a service that a lot of people could use. So I am offering website startup coaching services. This is not a service where I set up the website, and hand it back to you. Instead I walk you through all of the set up and get you started, so that you know how to run your own website.

You can absolutely figure it out on your own, especially with the tutorials and other information found on the internet, but if you would like to avoid the frustration of figuring it out on your own, feel free to contact me at:


Wordpress coach


Mom, money saver, crafter, budget loving blogger

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