Spring cleaning fever has hit me hard this year. And one thing I am always bugged about is how long it takes to clean certain things. So I’ve been keeping track of where I spend most of my time cleaning and the biggest offender…the bathrooms, specifically the showers (and I clean them every Tuesday). The problem is that they are tiled, and grim gets stuck in the grout. So I wanted to find a way to cut back on the time spent cleaning them, easy solution; to not clean them as well, but I can’t handle that, so I have been trying a DIY shower cleaner that I found here. 

I got a squirt bottle and squeegee at the dollar store. The family has been informed that after they use any of the showers they have to spray and squeegee the walls when they are done. I know for a fact that my son doesn’t squeegee, but it’s okay. I figure that way some of the cleaner gets a chance to sit. We’ve been doing this for a couple weeks and so far, I love this system. I still clean the showers every week, but the grim isn’t anywhere near as bad and the amount of time I spend on them has been cut in half. Hooray for an extra 30 minutes every Tuesday!

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Mom, money saver, crafter, budget loving blogger

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