
Daily Plan Sheet, To Do List, Organizer Sheet



Daily planning sheet meant to help you keep track of all you do/think about. I’m sure I’m not the only one, but sometimes I just can’t fall asleep at night because I have too much floating around in my head. Writing it down helps me calm my thoughts, and so this planning sheet emerged. I am cheap (or um thrifty) and I laminated it and use ultra fine dry erase markers to write on it, but you could also print out a stack and put them in your planner etc. I purposefully made it all black and white so that it would be inexpensive to print.

There is a place to record:
Meal plan
To Do list
Upcoming events
things to remember
Top priority chores and organizing tasks
how much water you’ve had to drink
What you are Reading
Long Term Goals
Phone Calls that Need to be Made
and a place to add a couple items for yourself