This summer I wanted my kids to spend time doing something kind or charitable everyday. But there are very few places that will allow young kids to do service. I know, I spent an entire day calling everywhere I could think of. The library? Nope, you have to be over 13. Local food pantry? Nope, 18. Animal shelter? No, again 18. The places in your area might have different rules, so please call and find out, but for us there was not really a place we could go and do service. By talking to friends and family we did find out about one organization that would let us come and help them sort clothes for their upcoming “shop” for lower income families in our area. We will be helping a couple times this summer, but I also started looking for other ideas, and this is what we came up with:
- Birthday Boxes through is our big project that we are working on a couple times a week. We committed to doing 10 boxes. We have been gathering donations from family and friends. We are also planning a bake sale to gain the funds needed to purchase the gifts.
- Make crafts/decorate lunch bags for Meals on Wheels -look up your local Meals on Wheels and find out what they are looking for. This has been a fun one for our family. We’ve worked on decorating the lunch bags a couple of times. We’ve almost completed a whole set and will be dropping them off later this week.
- Send a postcard to an ill child through
- Collect books for a Little Free Library (or donate books to another organization in your area)
- Do something nice for a family member.
- Write a nice note and send it to someone you know who can use cheering up.
- Make and deliver cookies to someone.
- Write something nice in chalk on the sidewalk.
- Weed the flower beds at your neighborhood school, or help maintain the grounds some other way.
- Send seeds to Seeds for Change.
- Gather donations for a local animal shelter. (Our shelter said they are always in need of towels and toys).
- Pick up litter at a local park.
- Leave a thank you note and treat for the mail carrier.
- Take treats to the fire station.
- Send an uplifting message to military troops through
- Send letters to military through
- Help a neighbor.