So doing this whole homeschool thing lets me take time to adequately answer my kids questions (AWESOME!). My 3rd grader overheard someone talking about spatial awareness and asked what it was. I explained that it helps us know where things are and our relation to them in the world. That was a big definition, that I felt needed to be broken down a little more so we’ve been reviewing prepositions in language arts that are related to spatial awareness like on, in, behind, near etc. and we read a book we found at the library: Me On The Map (we’ve been discussing continents in some of our reading comprehension), and explained that maps help us learn spatial awareness too.
I just wanted to point out how well answering a question can be integrated into homeschool learning. For a fun activity, we did a Halloween themed (because it’s October and my kiddo loves Halloween) spatial awareness activity. We talked about how many pebbles he thought would fit in the ghost shape and then he worked on arranging things so they fit. It was a nice “break” and sort of art all in one.
You could use any shape and any smaller items to do this activity. Using items of varying sizes like pebbles or seashells work best because they have to figure out how to get the various sizes to fit.