website host

website host

The first step is to select a host provider. Think of a website host just like a host for a party or when you are visiting family. They provide you with a place to stay or have a party.

I use a company called DreamHost as my website host. I have been using them for over 5 years and they are incredible. The price is great, costumer service is consistent and attentive. They provide amazing security, and they have tons of tools for new website owners that make the process so much easier. In 5 years I have never had hosting downtime with DreamHost. That is incredible! The first host provider I worked with had downtime consistently. Sometimes for hours on end every month. That is frustrating, especially if you plan an online event and then your website is down.

DreamHost works hard to understand any problems and help me fix them, even problems that they don’t necessarily have to deal with, sometimes it is a problem caused by my own lack of understanding, but they are kind and walk me through things. If you would like to use DreamHost as well, hosting for a full year is currently $120.

(click here to be taken to DreamHost’s Website)

There are other host providers, but DreamHost works really well with WordPress (my program of choice for blogs and even most website set ups. WordPress is awesome!). They also make it very easy to set up domains (your first one is even free). Which I will discuss in the next post.


I’ve tried my best to make these tutorials easy to follow, but sometimes it’s nice to have someone who can walk you through the specifics of your website set up. I have been helping friends and family do this for awhile and feel like it is a service that a lot of people could use. So I am offering website startup coaching services. This is not a service where I set up the website, and hand it back to you. Instead I walk you through all of the set up and get you started, so that you know how to run your own website.

You can absolutely figure it out on your own, especially with the tutorials and other information found on the internet, but if you would like to avoid the frustration of figuring it out on your own, feel free to contact me at:

Wordpress coach


Mom, money saver, crafter, budget loving blogger

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