General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints occurs twice a year in April and October. It includes talks from various leaders of the church over 5 two hour sessions. I love General Conference, but staying focused can sometimes be hard for that long. Listening for statements that hit me hard and creating these quote posters really helps me pay attention. So I thought I would share. You can download them without the watermark by clicking on the download link. These are just from the Saturday sessions. I’ll add more as I complete them.
Is the Plan Working?
Elder Ochoa’s talk titled “Is the Plan Working?” included powerful insight and perspective.

This statement hit home. We all know this logically in our heads, but when we hit a struggle our emotions tend to get the better of us and we feel like abandoning all the things we know we should do. I’m so grateful for the reminder.
Ladder of Faith
“Ladder of Faith” a talk given by Larry S. Kacher was a beautiful, thought provoking lesson on how faith works. I loved these two insights from him.

Then I Will Make Weak Things Become Strong
I loved this talk by Elder Kevin S. Hamilton. The message that if we want to change we have that option through Christ, is so empowering. It is something we all need to be reminded of constantly.

I plan to keep this in mind as I study my scriptures and would like to keep track of how switching out the word repentance for change might help me to better understand a scripture or what I need to do to change.
He Is Risen With Healing in His Wings: We Can Be More Than Conquerors
Elder Patrick Kearon gave a timely message about healing and overcoming the bad things that happen to us. I have been thinking about it non-stop. He gave voice and insight to things that I had not been able to fully figure on my own. I will most likely share other quotes from this talk as I study it, but this scripture stood out to me right away.