Thrift stores have their drawbacks (not being able to go up or down a size in an item that you really like for example) But you can’t beat the treasures that you can find at the Thrift Store. I do have to admit I have an uncanny ability to find high quality i.e. more expensive items. I am drawn to them and I know immediately when I pick them up that they are name brand/higher quality…there are some name brands out there that are priced high only because they are trendy, not because they are high quality. I will buy a few of those items just to feel on trend, but I am at an age where classic trumps trend almost all of the time. Anyway, this outfit leans more toward trendy (probably in ten years those boots will be a thing of the past, and skinny jeans too) but for basically 90% off retail I got a nice classy looking outfit that I will probably wear for at least a couple of years.
Some Thrift store fashion shopping tips:
If you have a smart phone take it with you. I reference my own pinterest fashion board when I am looking for items. I also use it to look up items I might not be familiar with. I hadn’t heard of Soft Surroundings before finding this sweater, but looking it up online and then looking at reviews made it clear that it was a good quality item.
Check the item everywhere for defects or stains. Check hems, make sure stitching isn’t coming undone, check armpit area (that is usually where I miss a hole)
Check laundering needs. I’ll admit it, I’m lazy. Unless I really love an item and I know I will wear it for a while, I pass up anything that needs too much laundry pampering.
Try everything on. Sometimes an item is irregular or has been stretched or otherwise not taken care of correctly and most of the time you can’t tell until you put it on.
Long story short, don’t pass up Thrift stores thinking that you won’t find quality items. You can!