Creating a yucky witches brew concoction is a fun way to teach how to write a recipe. Here is what we did.
We started by watching this short video that talks about the parts of a recipe.
There are lots of other fun videos to introduce this topic, but this one kept with the theme.
We discussed the ideas introduced. Then we started by coming up with what the brew will do. We picked some spooky ingredients like ghoul drool, bat wings and dragon’s breath. My son wrote the names of the ingredients on the potion bottles and drew in what he thought the ingredients would look like.
We then talked about the words for recipes and how ingredients sometimes require different actions (for example you might need to chop bat wings, but probably not dragon’s breath).
Then he wrote out the ingredients and the directions. He had a fun time reading it out loud to everyone in the family. It is a perfect October Halloween writing activity.
Download the activity for free below!