My second grader made a goal to improve his handwriting. So we have been trying lots of fun ways to practice writing. This has been one of our favorites, it looks so neat when you are done.
I have seen examples where they create the landscape themselves, but we opted to find some simple landscape coloring pages online and just fill them in.

Here are links to the websites for the two coloring pages we used but there are a lot out there.
We have found a lot of great options on the site:
This is where we found the ocean scene coloring page.
I joined in too. This is one of my tricks when working with my son on things that are a bit harder for him. If I am doing it too, he is more willing to stay with it longer.

We picked to just write in words that described the item like mountains when we were writing in the mountains. I would like to try this again in the future and have him come up with a story about the scene and write it in.

Throughout the process, my son would occasionally comment on his hand hurting. I encouraged him to try and relax and pretend like he is coloring. That seemed to help and he actually had the best handwriting just after relaxing. I hope it will help him gain motor skills and not feel so anxious about his handwriting.