General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints occurs twice a year in April and October. It includes talks from various leaders of the church over 5 two hour sessions. I love General Conference, but staying focused can sometimes be hard for that long. Listening for statements that hit me hard and creating these quote posters really helps me pay attention. So I thought I would share. You can download them without the watermark by clicking on the download link.
From Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s talk titled Our Relationship With God
This was such a great reminder to me to keep proper perspective about life’s purpose.

Download it here:
Christ Heals That Which Is Broken by Amy A. Wright

Download a copy for personal use here:
We Each Have a Story
By Elder Gerrit W. Gong

Download this great reminder here:
He Is Risen with Healing in His Wings:
We Can Be More Than Conquerors by Elder Patrick Kearon

Such a beautiful message! Remember it by downloading here:
We Are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Reyna I. Aburto

There were so many messages of encouragement!
I have so many more that I want to create quote posters for! Check back for them or sign up for our once a month newsletter to get a reminder in your email. You can also check out our other General Conference Quote Posts!