Well after a hiatus to welcome our new son into the world I am ready to get back into blogging. We’ve been busy here and I have a lot to share! I thought I would start with a project I did with my five year old for St Patrick’s Day.
Aiden sorted the colors and enjoyed learning about the color order for a rainbow. We had skittles on hand from Valentine’s Day, but you could use any candy with multiple colors (M&M’s, Sixlets etc). We used Rolos at the bottom because I couldn’t find the chocolate gold coins anywhere. I created the tag from a digital clipart kit I made. (I love photoshop). If you want to get the clipart set you can find it here. The tag is included in the kit as a bonus .pdf printable.
I can’t take credit for the idea though it was a project I stumbled across on Pinterest which was originally posted by another mom blogger over at It is What it is. Mine is a much smaller version, but same idea.